To raise an invoice from an appointment:1) Navigate to the Calendar tab and select the appointment you wish to raise an invoice for.2) Click the blue Checkout button.3) Review fields before completing...
To raise an invoice from a class or a course:1) Navigate to the Calendar tab and select a class or a course you wish to raise an invoice for.2) In the opened window, select Clients tab and click the i...
To email an invoice to a client:1) Navigate to the Sales > Invoices tab and click on the invoice.2) At bottom of the invoice click 'Email Invoice'. 3) Enter client's email, review message and click...
To refund a sale from an invoice:1) Navigate to the Sales > Invoices tab and click on the invoice (invoice must be fully paid in order for you to issue refund).2) At bottom of the invoice click 'Re...
To track invoices related to a client:1) Navigate to the Clients tab. Search for a client and click on the client's name.2) In the client's profile go to Invoices tab and all generated invoices will s...
To raise a sale from the Calendar:1) Navigate to the Calendar tab, click on the plus '+' button and select 'Sale'. 2) Enter fields, add items (services, classes, products or packages) and click green ...