1. Navigate to Settings tab, and on the left hand side click ‘Classes’. From there, click ‘Add New Class’.2. Fill out the necessary information under the ‘Info’ tab...
To add an existing class to your calendar: Navigate to the Calendar tab and click on the time of the day you'd like your class to start. Three options will appear (Add Appointment, Add Class and Bloc...
With a scheduled class, you can easily check-in your clients or mark them as no-shows.1. Navigate to the Calendar tab and click on a scheduled class.2. In the Class windows navigate to the Clients tab...
1. Navigate to Settings > Classes and edit your class.2. In the class settings enable option "Display online number of spots left".3. When customers book class online, they will see the n...
Enabling 'Booking multiple participants' feature1. Navigate to the Settings > Preferences > Scheduling Rules tab.2. Select 'Clients can book multiple participants' option and click 'Save' at the...
On your booking page class start times can be displayed in two ways, via List view or Calendar view (default settings are set to List view). List or calendar view can be switched in the Settings > ...
To repeat class and repeat clients in it:1. Open an existing class window (make sure you have at least one client added to the class).2. Select Repeat tab, set repeat parameters and check "Repeat...
In case you'd like to make a class invisible for online bookings but still be able to book it manually, follow these steps:1. Navigate to the Settings > Classes tab.2. Create new class or edit exis...