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Creating a promotion code

To create a Promo code:

1. Navigate to the Sales > Promotion tab and click 'Add New Promotion' button (if it's your first Promo code, create category beforehand).

2. Enter promo code details:

A - Enter code that will be used for the promo (e.g. 50OFF)
B - Select category
C - Enter name for the promotion
D - Field for description
E - Select locations you'd like to link this code to (leave 'All' for all locations).
F - Select staff members you'd like to link this code to.
G - Select services and/or classes you'd like to link this code to.
H - Select promo code discount, can be a percentage or a fixed dollar amount.

3. Set code availability, you can restrict when code can be used:

A - Promo code is valid between specific dates (e.g. from November 1st - November 30th).
B - Promo code is valid between specific hours (e.g. between 10 am - 5 pm).
C - Code is valid on specific days (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, Friday).

4. Set booking window, you can restrict when services can be booked.

A - Services can be booked between specific dates (e.g. from November 1st - November 30th).
B - Services can be booked between specific hours (e.g. between 10 am - 5 pm).
C - Services can be booked on specific days (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, Friday).

5. Set promo code usage:

A - Set total global usage limit, how many times promo code can be used by all clients.
B - Set per client limit, how many times promo code can be used by the same client (some clients do not play fair so it is possible that they can use different email address to apply promo code multiple times).

6. Click 'Save'.

Note: Clients with gift certificates will be able to redeem them together with promo codes.