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How do I add Staff Members?

1. Navigate to Settings tab, and on the left hand side click ‘Staff Members’. From there, click ‘Add new Staff Member’.

2. Fill out the necessary information under the ‘Info’ tab. You may also upload a photo of a staff member. This photo will be displayed when clients book appointments through your mini website. Click ‘Save’.

Under the staff profile:

‘Assign Services’ tab – You can assign services that the staff member is associated with.

‘Working Hours’ tab – You may
modify hours specific to that staff member.

‘Days Off’ tab – Add days when this staff member will not be available for online bookings.

‘Login Access’ tab – You can enable staff member to have their own access to the calendar. Once you enable staff login access, their username/email (that is entered under the ‘Info’ tab) will automatically appear in the field.