This involves assessing the muscles through palpation and locating areas within the muscle bundles that are stuck together and causing "knots".
The symptoms of these "knots" can be pain on compression, also referred pain into the surrounding areas, which can lead to a sense of "not knowing" where exactly the issue is originating from.
I will use a mixture of techniques to relieve these symptoms, such as deep tissue friction, trigger point therapy and stretching. I will always work within your pain tolerance, I believe that there is more benefit from working with the body and not pushing beyond what your body is willing to take.
During these sessions, I will be asking for some participation from you . In my experience working with other people, this gives them a sense of "helping" themselves and a real sense of empowerment.
At the end of the session we will go through some exercises that you can be doing between sessions that will help with the recovery.