All RA50 trainers have a lifetime passion for health & fitness and a true passion for helping others achieve their health and wellness goals: That’s why Graham Elliss founded “Renewed after 50”. In his age group Graham is an example to others who aspire to a fit and healthy lifestyle. All trainers are experienced Personal Trainers, and Group Exercise Instructors, Our specific interest is support packages that mentor and assist clients who find it too difficult or confronting to go to a gym but need intensive support to get a quality of life that many take for granted.
The latest science is changing everything we know about ageing and fitness and the good news is we have a lot more control than we’ve ever known!
At Renewed After 50 you’ll discover how brain and body activities can help you enjoy an active life for another 30-50 + years.
At Renewed After 50 we adapt ALL 6 areas of physical function: including your balance, mobility, coordination, cognitive and emotional responses, muscle strength and cardio fitness. You will also tap into other vital factors to live healthier longer. Life has many great journeys ahead. Join us!