Welcome to the booking page of RideSmart Motorcycle Training QRIDE


Please call us on (07) 3855 3777 with any questions or concerns, our friendly reception staff are available 7 days a week and can help choose the correct training package for you!

If you cannot find a course time that suits your schedule, please give us a call. We may be able to add in a course, just for you!


Our prices include the use of our motorcycle and PPE equipment (helmet, jacket, gloves)

You will be provided with a manual motorcycle. If you would like to use an automatic scooter please email your request to info@ridesmart.com.au

(TWO scooters available at Mitchelton/Brookside plus a few automatic motorcycles)

(ONE automatic motorcycle available at Slacks Creek)

Please let us know if you are wanting to use your own motorcycle for the course, we need to make sure it's suitable before the day.


PAYMENT can be made online via CREDIT CARD

We are looking forward to riding with you soon!



Reschedule / Cancellation / No-Show Policy:

Bookings cancelled or rescheduled without notice will incur excess fees.

Cancellation or rescheduling of weekday bookings will incur a $100 rebooking fee, unless more than 24 hours notice is given. 

Cancellation or rescheduling of weekend bookings will incur a 50% rebooking fee, unless more than 72 hours notice is given. 

Same day cancellations or failure to show up (no-show) on the day will incur FULL LOSS OF FEES.

If you are more than 20 minutes late to your course you may not be able to join the class and will be charged for a no-show (full loss of fees)

If we are able to fill your spot then no fees will be charged, but we cannot guarantee this so please provide as much notice as possible. 

Refunds will not be given for late no-shows or same day cancellations.

All Refunds will incur a processing fee and are at the discretion of management.

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