2453 MAIN STREET---IN THIS BUILDING-UNDER THE FLAT ROOF, THE SERVICES PROVIDED ARE: Lauren Bowers and Margaret Goud-Registered Massage Therapy, Veronica Tugwood-Integrated Energy Therapy, Taeyeon Kim, PhD-Live Blood Analysis. If you do not see the practitioner of your choice, simply select another building button on the left .
Blood Analysis, Integrated Energy , Massage-- 2453 Main St
London, N6P 1R2
ON, CA5196525597
2453 HOUSE MAIN STREET - ENTER off of FRONT PORCH 2437 MAIN STREET---IN THIS BUILDING, THE SERVICES PROVIDED ARE: Low Intensive Laser Therapy, Foot Care & Esthetics and Naturopathic Medicine, Reflexology and Reiki and two Registered Massage Therapists.
Christina Nelson Fowler of Flawless Foot Care and Esthetics, Dr. Tiffany Eberhard Naturpathic Doctor, Lance Haines, Certified Laser Therapist, Sarah Tarrataca Registered Massage Therapist, Kadi Moosberger Registered Massage Therapist and Sara Farrell, Reflexologist and Reiki Practitioner.
The Lambeth Chiropractic & Wellness Centre spans three buildings on Main Street Lambeth, London. If you do not see the practitioner of your choice, simply select another building button on the left side.
Note that Dr. Tiffany Eberhard, Sarah Tarrataca and Kadi Moosberger are located on the 2nd floor. If you have accessiblity concerns, please contact us so that we may make arrangements for you.
Foot Care, Laser, Naturopathy, Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Esthetics --- Main St
London, N6P 1R2
ON, CA519-652-5597
2457 MAIN ST. --- IN THIS BUILDING, THE SERVICES PROVIDED ARE:Social Work & Psychotherapy with Cynthia Harrison MSW RSW Makenzie Molinari of Olea Medispa.
Raffy Koundakjian is also here providing acupuncture and physiotherapy. Book at: raffyacuphysio.janeapp.com